What’s the difference between grey and silver hair?

As we know, hair is one of the viable and easy to notice parts of the human body and based on person’s ethnic group, hair might be black, blond, red or brown.
Actually, black is a desired color for most of the people around the world. It is controlled by the specific pigment which present in the hair and it is also known as melanin.
Now a day, people are having question about what is the difference between grey and silver hair and it is still the debate.
One group might say that difference of color is physiological and it occurs due to lack of melanin pigment in hair follicles. Other group might claim pathological process as the reason changes in the hair color.
Things to know about silver hair and grey hair
Now a day, silver and grey hair is being complained by the teenagers and almost all age group might be affected by hair colour problems.
Melanin pigment is the main reason for impairing specific color of the hair. At the same time, some pathology might be reported to have effect on hair colour.
Some of the studies says that white hair is the albinism and it might occur because of the genetic abnormality which is known as albinism. In albinism, melanin pigment formation could be compromised leading to white skin as well as white hair.
Anemia and Malnutrition is shown to contribute to change in the hair colors. If you surf in online difference between grey vs silver hair, then you can get complete information about your hair color.
Recent report says that, tobacco smoking with other kinds of the difference disastrous effect might also affect the hair color which is turning into the grey.
Suppose you consider about the physiological process of the two extreme of hair color like black and white.
Massive information about grey and white hair cause
Black hair represents the maximum pigmentation and grey could be considered as intermediate between black and white.
Likewise, white is the minimum pigmentation. If you are suffering from grey and white hair issues, then you can get tons of remedies.
You are advisable to use dye hair which helps to turn your hair color into black. Do some research to transform your hair color into the black by using effective treatment. When we grew older then there might be decline in synthesis melanin by hair and it turns hair grey.